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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Self-Evaluation #2

For the second blogging time frame I believe that I have improved my blogging.  I have posted 9 additional posts and received 12 comments.  I have commented back to others who have commented on my posts very frequently.  I have also followed several other blogs that are interesting to me and commented on their posts.  When I have came across articles or news that seems helpful to others and their blog topics I have found ways to comment on existing posts they have and let them know what I have found on their topic.  I have posted on a variety of different topics within the waste to energy field.  I have used all types of media including pictures, videos, and hyperlinks.  I have moved away from deficit model posts and presented some interesting posts.  I have brought up important issues and problems in the waste to energy field and gotten some good comments on these posts.  I have also connected this class with my senior design class to help me find and received recommomendationsAfter looking at my "Stats" I have received over 410 page views from viewers in 9 different countries.  I have commented on other blogs in the waste to energy field and received some recommendations from one of these blogs to make mine better.  The blog I received recommendations from was from a Renewable Energy Advisor working in India.  Some things I still need to work on include increasing my number or posts and incorporating other experts in the industry.  Overall I feel that I have improved my blog this period and deserve a high B to low A. 

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