-What is the purpose of this blog?
To inform my audience about different technologies within the waste to energy field. Create a way for those who want to participate in creating their own energy from waste to get started with ideas and do-it-yourself posts. There is definitely a market out there for waste to energy, maybe we can become experts together and make some money by applying this knowledge and our wonderful engineering skills we have learned here at CSM.
-Who is the imagined audience(s) of this blog?
Those who are interested in alternative fuels, and those who want to become more self-sustained.
-Have my posts matched up with my purpose/audience? What/who might I be overlooking in defining my purpose/audience this way?
I feel that my posts have introduced the topic of waste to energy well. With time I should be able to expand to other types of waste to energy technologies. With posts on a variety of different topics within the field, some of my audience may be more interested in certain topics and I can focus on those topics.
-What can I do to encourage more reader participation with my blog?
So far I have focused on anaerobic digestion technologies. To get more audience participation I will need to introduce more technologies in the waste to energy field.
-How can I expand my audience in this class? Outside of this class?
To expand my in class audience I need to comment on more people's blogs. Outside of class...I need to find others who are interested in the same types of technologies and let them know about my blog. For example, comment on YouTube videos to try to strike a conversation with others.
-How would I characterize the tone of my blog?
Very informal and entertaining, yet informative and interesting.
-What do I hope to get out of writing this blog?
To be exposed to other technologies out there in the waste to energy field, and to expand some of the idea here (such as the do-it-yourself posts) into larger scale operations.
-What would I like others to get out of it?
Interesting information of ways to get energy from wastes.
-What are the strengths of my blog/my blogging?
I feel that I can get the basics across without drowning my audience in the wealth of information out there.
-What are the weaknesses?
Posting more routinely and engaging with others in the class.
-Have I used a deficit model in my writing, or something else? How would I know?
I think I may have used the deficit model in introducing the basics of anaerobic digestion. Knowing that there are a bunch of specific details needed to fully understand the chemical and biochemical processes involved with waste to energy technologies.
-How have I characterized (implicitly or explicitly) science, engineering, and/or technology in my blog?
I have explicitly introduced science technologies in the waste to energy field. I hope to point out engineering and economic challenges that may arise with some of these technologies as well.
-How have I characterized myself?
I think that I have characterized myself as someone who is looking for waste to energy technologies that are both interesting but mostly practical. I have tried to keep it entertaining and humorous so that it isn't as boring as it could be.
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